Club Championship – Explanation and Rules
How The Championship Works:
We list 20 races within the year in which you can gain championship points.
Points Award
You get points based on your performance in the championship races compared to a predicted finish time which is calculated from your Runbritain handicap. The handicap is calculated by Runbritain and based on your race results.
The Club Championship is a way to support other local clubs and advertise Kirkstall Harriers by having as many members at these races as possible. Please act accordingly, you are a representative at the club & Kirkstall Harriers is seen as one of the most friendly clubs in Leeds. The races are normally cheap and in the surrounding area. Look out for Facebook updates as to when entries open and results!
Points are firstly awarded as follows:
Your predicted finishing time for an event shall be determined from your Runbritain handicap and a “difficulty factor” for the event. The runner who performs best compared to their calculated finishing time will be awarded 50 points. The second best gets 49 points and so on down to 2 points. All finishers will get 2 points.
An example:
Tim has a Runbritain handicap of 6.6 and he runs in the Pudsey 10k which is championship race and rated as 4.4 difficulty. Tim’s calculated finishing time is 44:32. Jane runs in the same race and her handicap is 16 and her calculated finish time is 56:19. Tim finishes in 44:22 (10s better than predicted) and Jane finishes in 56:09 (also 10s better than predicted). As a percentage, Tim has bettered his predicted time by 0.36% and Jane has bettered hers by 0.3% so Tim gets higher points for his better performance in percentage terms.
Handicaps will be downloaded from the Runbritain web site before each race.
To see your handicap, just create a login on the Runbritain web site by following the link below:
New Members with no Runbritain Handicap and Out of date Handicap
Until you have recorded some results and obtained a handicap on the Runbritain web site, you will be given a temporary handicap based on your performance in the championship races. If you have been away from running for a long period of time and not taken part in any events, your handicap will become unrepresentative of your running ability. In these cases, you will be given a more fair handicap by the administrators of the championship.
League Table:
The league table lists all those who have participated in the championship within the year by their points total. Their total is the points tally for their best 6 scores from the races completed in the year. If a runner has done more than 6 races, only their best 6 scores will be summated to get their total.
- All Championship entrants must be fully paid up Kirkstall Harriers club members. You will not get any points if you have not paid your subs – simple! (Subs become due in February each year after the club AGM)
- The Championship will be held over approx 20 races and there is also a chance to gain points from the free 5k parkrun events (any will count) and from any marathon you run during the year. Parkrun bonus points and marathon score points will be added at the end of the year. Your final Championship position will be based on your 6 best scores plus bonuses. The winner will be announced at the end of year or at the AGM. The club championship year runs from 01 January to the date of the last race in the championship calendar.
- When entering races (and Parkruns) please ensure you indicate that you are a Kirkstall Harriers club member or you will not get points in the championship if you do not appear in the race results as a Kirkstall Harrier.
- The minimum requirement of races to obtain an end of year ranking is 1.
- By running AT LEAST FOUR of the free 5k parkruns held in Hyde Park, Roundhay, Bradford and all over the country in the year, you gain bonus points. Parkruns are every Saturday at 9am. The parkruns are a bonus points scheme meaning if you run at least 4 of them on any Saturday between 01 Jan and the date of the last CC race in the championship year you will automatically get a 25 point bonus ON TOP OF YOUR TOTAL POINTS! This means even if your score is based on your top 6 races (your best 6 scores of the 20 races count as usual) then parkrun offers you the chance to earn an extra 25 points no matter what your score. You do need to have run at least one championship race to get the Parkrun bonus.
- The ‘Marathon Score’ is a flat score of 50 points for completion of any marathon distance race in the year from 01 Jan and the date of the last CC race in the championship year. That’s a full marathon or ultra marathon of 26.2 miles or more. This will count towards your overall score as one of your 6 top scores as any other race and you can only get one marathon score each year. The Marathon Score replaces your lowest score. You do need to have run at least one championship race to get the Marathon Replacement Score. If at the end of the season your best 6 points scores are 50, 48, 46, 45, 42, and 30 giving you a total of 261, the marathon score of 50 points replaces the lowest score of 30, improving your total for the year to 281.
- The ‘Volunteer Score’ is a scaled points system for volunteering at Kirkstall Harriers events. You get the 10 points for helping out at least 2 events and 30 points for volunteering at 5 events, including ParkRun takeovers; hosting PECO and Kirkstall Abbey 7 to name a few. The 10 points are additional points so do not replace any points you have previously accrued, therefore if you do not race at any race on the calendar but volunteer at 2 events you will get 10 points on your total. The Club Championship co-ordinator is responsible for collating these points. For event organisers, please ensure a list of volunteers is provided to the Club Championship co-ordinator to ease the process.
- In the event of a tie for one of the three top places, the runner with the most points excluding bonuses wins. If it is still a tie after this, then the runner who has completed the most championship races in the season wins. If there is still a tie, then the member with the longest time as a member of the club wins.
- Where two or more races are involved in what is seen as a single race in the Club Championships, i.e. Even Splits or the Half Marathon Weekend, the race distance and perceived difficulty will be taken into account. For example, Spen20 is more difficult than East Hull 20; therefore handicap times will be increased slightly compared to East Hull 20, they will remain as fair as possible. If you manage to do more than one race to count your best time against the handicap will be used as your final points tally for that race.
- Terms and conditions of the Wild Card entry are:
- Only one entry is valid. Any further entries will be removed and not counted.
- If the following fields are missing the entry will be removed:
- Full Name
- Race Name
- Date of Race
- Distance
- You must adhere to rule number 3 – must appear in the results as a Kirkstall Harrier.
- The entered race must not be a race already in the calendar, including not a marathon as you already get bonus points for this.
- Your handicap will be taken from the month you have completed the race.
- Points will be handed out as per usual time vs handicap vs other entrants.
- Championship Administrator’s decision is final. Please speak to Malcolm Taylor if you have any queries, or email us at
And finally, go and enter and run some races!!
Good Luck!