Sportsperson of the Year 2024

It is time look back over the last year and think about who should be the Kirkstall Harriers Sportsperson of the year for 2024. You have until 19 Feb to submit your nomination.

As a full or second claim member of the club you can submit one nomination. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.

To make your nomination just fill in and submit an online nomination form now by clicking here.

You may find the following Q&A helpful when considering your nomination:


1) Q. Why do we have this annual award?

A. To recognise individuals in the club who are making a difference, giving their time to the club, helping other members and promoting Kirkstall Harriers in a positive way.

2) Q. Who can be nominated?

A. Any club member. Either first or second claim.

3) Q. What does a person have to have done to get a nomination?

A. Something that in your opinion has helped you or someone else in the club, or the club itself in the year. Someone who has impressed you or influenced you. It may only be a small thing but something which means a lot to you.

4) Q. Who is eligible to make a nomination?

A. Any club member, whether first claim or second claim.

5) Q. How do I make a nomination?

A. You can fill in a nomination form on the web site and submit via the link above.

6) Q. When do nominations have to be submitted by?

A. 19 Feb 2024.

7) Q. How many nominations can I make?

A. One per club member.

8) Q. I am a new member and I don’t know many people in the club, so how can I nominate someone?

A. Even in a short time with the club, someone may have been particularly helpful or encouraging to you.

9) Q. I have a person in mind but I don’t know their name, so how do I nominate them?

A. Check the Facebook group or just ask a committee member.

10) Q. What does the winner get?

A. A trophy presented at the AGM.

11) Q. When are the winners announced?

A. At the AGM in February.

12) Who were the past winners?

A. Between 1985 and 2019 we awarded separate sportswoman and sportsman trophies. From 2023, we changed to awarding just one sportsperson trophy. These were the winners:

2023: Kevin Longmate

2019: Malcolm Taylor/ Sam Taylor
2018: Adam Moger/Jonathan Young (Tie), Vicki Hipkiss
2017: Simon Smith/Niamh Jackson
2016: Adam Moger/Alice Murray-Gourlay
2015: Peter Hey/Niamh Jackson
2014: Alan Brydon/Sam Broome
2013: Chris Glover/Gemma Rathbone
2012: Paul Miller/Jill Buckley
2011: Adam Moger/Diane Shaw
2010: Phil Hewitt/Eleanor Gallon
2009: Patrick Nesden/Jill Buckley
2008: Matt Sykes Hooban/Helen Goldthorpe
2007: Patrick Nesden/Jill Buckley
2006: Peter Branny/ Collette Spencer
2005: Peter Branny/Cassie Garbutt
2004: Patrick Nesden/Julie Hustwitt
2003: Paul Luxton/Trish Pearson
2002: Stuart Moore/Amanda Seems
2001: Martin Gregson/Carol Moran
2000: David Spink/Marlene Asquith
1999: Nick Sykes – Ian Brown (no Sportstwoman award)
1998: Martin Jordan/Claire Mohamed
1997: Peter Hey/Diane Thomas
1996: Brian Whittaker (no Sportswoman award)
1995: (no Sportsman award)/Dot Williams
1994: Richard Thomas/Trish Pearson
1993: (no Sportsman award) Janice Bowers – Michelle Maunder
1992: Paul Raynard (no Sportswoman award)
1991: Peter Hey/Cath Lewis
1990: Karl Bowers – (no Sportswoman award)
1989: Peter Hey/Carol Moran
1988: Anna Blackwell (no Sportsman award)
1987: Alan Thomas – (no Sportswoman award)
1986: Rod Lewis – (no Sportswoman award)
1985: Colin Aston – (no Sportswoman award)